
Australian born Jeff (Jefferson) Skinner has has an eclectic career producing commercials, documentary, music videos, puppetry and FX, traditional animation, Computer animation 2D 3D and VFX for cinema, Virtual Reality, AR, writer and director for major broadcast production, actor and performer, and producer/performer of electronic music production.

Recent commissions have included working as Media Producer for NRL teams Cronulla Sharks and Canterbury Bulldogs, VR creative for Australian Naval Training simulators, promotional media for environmental and community groups in the Kimberley WA and Northern Territory and specialized VR production for real time VR storytelling for Australia’s northern communities.

Jeff is a multi instrumentalist excelling in woodwind brass and keys since 10 years of age. He has specialized in Wind Synthesis and classic synthesizers for over 20 years


A VIRTUAL REALITY feature length compilation project. I animated 4 clips and Line Produced many more.
Personal Kickstarter project ~ CoronaVirus prevention Design concept, prototype production by J S
Commercials for Community and Environment

Script , animation and audio.


Switched-on Moog. A 360 degree fantasia tribute to the music and musicians of MOOG